I am so tired. Faith hasn't felt good all week. She got shots on Monday and has been grumpy ever since. She was really upset all day today and it made me all upset, too. So I called Dustin crying. And now my eyes burn and I'm even more tired than I would have been. I really hope I can somehow get to Houston next week and go to the show with him. He promised that we would go to the zoo. I love the zoo. It's been five years since I was last there.

Mom was going to go with us, but I think she forgot, because Daddy said yesterday that she was planning on going to Crystal Beach to the Family reunion. I just tried to call her and she didn't answer.
Tomorrow is Melissa's last day at church. It's so sad, but also really great, because that means Rob is home and I'm happy for her for that.
Anyway, out of words for now.
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