So it's been another week here at the nuthouse. Yes, you laugh, but you know that I speak the truth.
My dog was in a fight. Thank God he survived. I don't think I would have been able to forgive Grandpa if he hadn't. I am the one who takes care of Paulie. He doesn't like other dogs and I have been so good about making sure that he is alone in the yard. Dustin told Grandpa over and over to let me take care of Paulie. I very politely let him know that I was only letting him out twice a day the time I caught him letting the dog out for the hundredth time. But no. He just couldn't let it go. So I left to go pick up Dustin from work and what did he do? He let my dog, my baby, out in the yard and then let another male out in the same yard. WHAT THE CRAP?!!!!!
I was so mad. I couldn't speak to him for a whole day. I was really afraid that I would say something really mean. Paulie had two pretty decent cuts on his foreleg and Dustin, my hero, sewed him up. I was so proud. It looks really good and Paulie runs around like nothing happened. I just hope he doesn't have a scar. He's my show dog and if he has a scar, I can't show him.
Faith has started trying to roll over. She has almost succeeded and it looks really cute. I took a video, but it's not on my MySpace yet. It's not even on this computer yet!

Bunny Girls


Flower Girls
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
The Weekend
So, we all went to the dog show this weekend. Which was so fun! Then we met Mom and Dad at the Houston Zoo and that was even more fun.
But first the show. Trey did so well with his dog, Jackie. They were the only ones in their class,
so of course, they won! But he did so well!! Jackie didn't balk and Trey was so cool. I was very proud of them both. Dustin showed Tyra and didn't plce at all, but hey, it happens. Adam didn't place either.

Then, Dustin got sick. Really sick. So sick, we didn't even go to the dog show the next day. It was horrible, but while he was busy being sick, Trey, Faith and I went swimming. He wasn't that sick when we went to go swimming, but he got worse all night. But I have great pics of the three of us swimming! I mean, the important thing, right?

But first the show. Trey did so well with his dog, Jackie. They were the only ones in their class,

After they were done showing and I didn't have to get pictures anymore, I was free to wander around to all the booths and exhibits. Faith did so well. She wasn't fussy, but she was very tired. I mean, we got up at 4 am!! Who wouldn't be? She rode around backwards in her
car seat so she could see everything and everyone said something to her and she just smiled and smiled. Something very cool was the Canine Freestyle. Seriously, google it. Dogs dancing with their owners. It was so neat!

Then we fell asleep and missed our time to meet my parents at the zoo by like fifteen minutes. Which wouldn't have been so bad if I had gotten directions to the zoo in the first place and then gotten better directions from my dad than I did. So when we finally made it to the zoo, Dustin and I were in a fight and Trey was only too happy to bail and let us work it out. Which we did and managed to have a great time at the zoo.

Then, Dustin got sick. Really sick. So sick, we didn't even go to the dog show the next day. It was horrible, but while he was busy being sick, Trey, Faith and I went swimming. He wasn't that sick when we went to go swimming, but he got worse all night. But I have great pics of the three of us swimming! I mean, the important thing, right?

So, that's about it. Hope you enjoy the pics.
Friday, July 18, 2008
So, today, I'm getting ready to go to Houston with Dustin. He has a dogshow this weekend and I get to go this time.
It might not be as exciting if we weren't going to the zoo also. I am so excited!
I haven't been to the Houston Zoo in more than five years. And I'm taking Faith which makes it extra special. Mom and Dad and the kids are supposed to join us, but I don't know if they will.
The hotel we're staying at has a pool, too. Isn't that awesome?! Since they are only taking two dogs with them, I'm riding back home with them, but riding to Houston with my dad.
Which will be an interesting exercise in practicing not actually saying anything at all. Anyway, just a little update for everyone.
It might not be as exciting if we weren't going to the zoo also. I am so excited!
I haven't been to the Houston Zoo in more than five years. And I'm taking Faith which makes it extra special. Mom and Dad and the kids are supposed to join us, but I don't know if they will.
The hotel we're staying at has a pool, too. Isn't that awesome?! Since they are only taking two dogs with them, I'm riding back home with them, but riding to Houston with my dad.
Which will be an interesting exercise in practicing not actually saying anything at all. Anyway, just a little update for everyone.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Tiredness is contagious

I am so tired. Faith hasn't felt good all week. She got shots on Monday and has been grumpy ever since. She was really upset all day today and it made me all upset, too. So I called Dustin crying. And now my eyes burn and I'm even more tired than I would have been. I really hope I can somehow get to Houston next week and go to the show with him. He promised that we would go to the zoo. I love the zoo. It's been five years since I was last there.

Mom was going to go with us, but I think she forgot, because Daddy said yesterday that she was planning on going to Crystal Beach to the Family reunion. I just tried to call her and she didn't answer.
Tomorrow is Melissa's last day at church. It's so sad, but also really great, because that means Rob is home and I'm happy for her for that.
Anyway, out of words for now.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
From good to bad in two paragraphs
Alright. Faith is asleep and we have money in the bank. It is a good day. I've been driving Dustin to work this week. I really like it. It's nice to just be us for a while even if it's a short while.
I miss him a lot and even though he's here with me, sometimes it doesn't seem like it. I took a walk yesterday without telling anyone and he wouldn't have noticed if Trey hadn't missed me. Even then he didn't really care. I even cut the stupid walk short because I felt bad about not telling him where I was going. And he didn't notice!!
I feel like I'm starving for his attention and he's doing something related to dogs. I get that he needs to get ready for the show this weekend and if that was what he has been doing, I would be fine. I'd still miss him, but I would understand, you know? Really, he's my only real friend right now, and I need him. I've somehow drawn into myself and I jealously guard anything to do with Faith. I need him to do SOMETHING.
And now he tells me that he doesn't want me to go to Corpus Christi (?) with him. I have been looking forward to it so much. It was just going to be us and a couple of dogs. I've never been to Corpus. I've never been anywhere and he seems so uninclined to take me anywhere. It was a little easier before Faith and now I feel like a pariah to my own husband. Like he's ashamed of me or something.
There'sa a rational part of my brain telling me that that isn't true. But truth is not what is making a difference in my emotions.
Anyway, I was just feeling sad and needed to get it all out.
I miss him a lot and even though he's here with me, sometimes it doesn't seem like it. I took a walk yesterday without telling anyone and he wouldn't have noticed if Trey hadn't missed me. Even then he didn't really care. I even cut the stupid walk short because I felt bad about not telling him where I was going. And he didn't notice!!
I feel like I'm starving for his attention and he's doing something related to dogs. I get that he needs to get ready for the show this weekend and if that was what he has been doing, I would be fine. I'd still miss him, but I would understand, you know? Really, he's my only real friend right now, and I need him. I've somehow drawn into myself and I jealously guard anything to do with Faith. I need him to do SOMETHING.
And now he tells me that he doesn't want me to go to Corpus Christi (?) with him. I have been looking forward to it so much. It was just going to be us and a couple of dogs. I've never been to Corpus. I've never been anywhere and he seems so uninclined to take me anywhere. It was a little easier before Faith and now I feel like a pariah to my own husband. Like he's ashamed of me or something.
There'sa a rational part of my brain telling me that that isn't true. But truth is not what is making a difference in my emotions.
Anyway, I was just feeling sad and needed to get it all out.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
I am so tired. Faith didn't let me get more than two steps away from her all day and just now I had to hold her forever to get her to sleep. I love it, it's just wierd because it's not normal at all for her. So it was really stressful.
We got certified for WIC, which will be a big help. The only bad part - and this is pathetic and funny - they pricked my finger. I HATE that! Could ANYTHING be more painful or inconvenient?
Okay, I gave birth, so I guess I answered my own question.
Dustin is at a Kennel Club meeting. It starts at seven, right, but he'll come home at like ten-thirty or eleven. So I went with him to the last one, just to see what the heck they did. The crazy dog people stand around and talk - oh, I bet you'll never guess - about dogs. It was so boring. I had an infant that really needed to get home and Chatty Cathy wouldn't shut up. I wanted to knock his head off. The only reason I haven't called him yet tonight is because Faith's kept me on such a tight leash.
We got certified for WIC, which will be a big help. The only bad part - and this is pathetic and funny - they pricked my finger. I HATE that! Could ANYTHING be more painful or inconvenient?
Okay, I gave birth, so I guess I answered my own question.
Dustin is at a Kennel Club meeting. It starts at seven, right, but he'll come home at like ten-thirty or eleven. So I went with him to the last one, just to see what the heck they did. The crazy dog people stand around and talk - oh, I bet you'll never guess - about dogs. It was so boring. I had an infant that really needed to get home and Chatty Cathy wouldn't shut up. I wanted to knock his head off. The only reason I haven't called him yet tonight is because Faith's kept me on such a tight leash.
Anyway, now I'm cooking for the man that said, "If you feed me now, you probably won't have to feed me later." Hah!
Monday, July 7, 2008
She's four months old today. Talking, now, always talking. To me, to Dustin, to herself. It's amazing to hear and also to watch her try to grab things. I can actually see her make a conscious effort to put he rhands on a toy. Of course, she brings it directly to her mouth, but hey, one thing at a time right? didn't.
I got so mad at Dustin just now. And for a stupid reason. But really, the man's as thick as a brick. Good thing I love him.
Faith had to get shots and it was so horrible. She freaked out like I have never seen her before.
Too tired for more. Hope the video loads.
Me didn't.
Sunday, July 6, 2008

So I think the kid-kid's cute. Whatever. This day was interesting. Dustin made it back okay from the dog show. Two dogs took second in their classes and one of them took reserve winner, the female took third and the puppy was so bad that Dustin almost took him out of the ring. Needless to say, that dog did not win anything.
Angela just left here for Fort Sam Houston in SA. She'll be there for three weeks and then go up to Camp Maxi in Paris, TX. Then, she'll head to Georgia and I think she'll be there until she leaves. They told her she'd probably be in Kuwait by Thanksgiving. Her mission has changed from something security to convoy security, which puts her in infinitely more danger. But that's in God's hands. I just hope I remember not to worry too much. (Before anyone gets weird, worry is a sin, so I'm trying to leave everything with God. And that is so not easy)
I had a picture of Faith and Angela, but the camera's being retarded, so never mind, then. I'm done now, so I'm going to go eat and take care of my screaming mad child.
Thank you and Good night.
Saturday, July 5, 2008

So, I started this thing at midnight last night. Faith was asleep, Dustin was off to Dallas and the kids had gone home. I was exhausted and wired at the same time. I only typed one line on my first blog.
I just tried to put a picture on this, but it kept putting two of them. I mean, I like the pic, but not that much.
Really, though, I just wanted somewhere kinda private to vent.
I'm tired of politics. I hate this time of the year. I'm tired of everyone complaining about the President. Granted, the man is a moron. I mean, have you ever heard him speak? But let's be honest here. No one likes the President. Ever. Sure, we're all about somebody until they get into office. About three to six months after they get sworn in, it's like the entire country starts ragging on them. I don't care who the President is, no one likes them.
Another note, no matter who gets elected, they WILL NOT pull the troops out of Iraq. Because, really, we can't. It's a sign of weakness and if there is anything politicians hate, it's weakness. The President is the final decision, yeah, but who is pushing him? Who is whispering in his ear? I doubt he truly makes his own decisions. He probably has twenty different people telling him what he should do. Do you really think he's going to go against them all?
And something else! I'm a Republican. That is just what I believe in. That is how I am going to vote. No amount of stupid stickers in stupid places in my own house is going to change that. I may not agree with everything Republicans stand for, but I for dad-gum sure do not trust Clinton or Obama. I'll take my chances with McCain. And that's the last I'll say about it.
Friday, July 4, 2008
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