I have been reduced to squeezing in a library trip and struggling with a bored two-year-old just to get on the internet. Dustin goes out on the front porch to get a good signal and has great success. Wonder why I can't do that? Hmm.....
More later when I am not trying not to kill my kid!

Bunny Girls


Flower Girls
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
So Dustin just explained electro-plating and hydrogen fuel cells to me in an intelligent and informative manner. He knew what he was talking about and made me understand what he meant. It was amazing. Like he opened his mouth and I didn't know who he was. He was so smart! Which sounds like I think he's dumb. I don't. I know that he is an intelligent person. I just don't see the brain coming out of his mouth very often. And he was absolutely brilliant! Maybe this is the start of a whole new Dustin-and-Grace thing........
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Today has been a good day.
I typed that line three times before I got it right. Here is what it looked like the first two times:
tODAY HAS BEEN A GOOD DAY - Little fingers found the broken caps lock key!
Today has been a gppd day - Oops, missed the 'o' button.
Can't find my book. Had it last night in the living room, went and laid down with the girls, thought I took it to bed with me, but cannot find the stupid thing. And it was really good, too. Beyond the fact that I started it and now can't finish it until I find it (which drives me nuts!), I really liked the story.
The house is an almost wreck. That pressure of "man, I need to clean up!" hasn't hit the "where the heck is my living room?" yet, though. Probably wait till the girls are asleep. Probably be more effective that way, too!
Headache. Later!
I typed that line three times before I got it right. Here is what it looked like the first two times:
tODAY HAS BEEN A GOOD DAY - Little fingers found the broken caps lock key!
Today has been a gppd day - Oops, missed the 'o' button.
Can't find my book. Had it last night in the living room, went and laid down with the girls, thought I took it to bed with me, but cannot find the stupid thing. And it was really good, too. Beyond the fact that I started it and now can't finish it until I find it (which drives me nuts!), I really liked the story.
The house is an almost wreck. That pressure of "man, I need to clean up!" hasn't hit the "where the heck is my living room?" yet, though. Probably wait till the girls are asleep. Probably be more effective that way, too!
Headache. Later!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
We're back
In town anyway. We don't exactly have Internet. But I'm going to try to keep up wth this thing again. I miss it, I'd like to be one of those bloggers that people read and follow who AREN'T related or best friends..... It's a dream, anyway. Thanks for being my one and only follower, Meg.
Glad to be 'back'!
Glad to be 'back'!
The Great Poop Debacle, or A Mother's Day to Remember
My mother's day didn't start out remarkable. We go up, went to church, got Breakfast on the way. Had a good class, and, even though I had nursery duty, a good service as well. When we got home, Dustin stayed with the girls while I ran to the store to get pizza for lunch. Ran into a spot of trouble at the register when the items didn't ring up correctly, but no big deal. Even got to drive Dustin's new truck. And we had just enough money for a Redbox movie. So it was going okay.
We ate lunch and settled in to watch Battle for Terra. It was pretty good. Dustin and I were on the couch and the girls were in their room. A recipe for peace if there ever was one.
Then Faith came to me and said,"Poopy".
"That's okay. You can be poopy in your room," I said, since the movie was nearly over. After a brief struggle, she disappeared into her room. Or so I thought.
Less than five minutes later, she came back out, holding her foot funny and fussing.
"Go be poopy in your room," I told her. She laid her foot on the ottoman by Dustin's leg. There was a noxious brown substance on the bottom that my superior mother's brain identified immediately and with a sinking heart. Unfortunately, so did her father.
"That's POOP," he said with dawning horror. Did I mention that poop is apparently his Kryptonite? "Oh my god, that's so gross! That's - she got it on me! Eww! Eww!" I had apparently grabbed her foot a second too late and she had managed to smear excrement on his pant leg. He jumped up and began tearing off his clothes, which, under other, more delicate, circumstances would have been enjoyable, but in this instance, it merely sent me off in a fit of giggles. Which seriously impair your ability to hold a poopy foot, FYI. Barely maintaining my grip, I asked him to get me the wipes from the table.
As he passed us, pantless and pressed against the opposite couch, he complied and headed down the hall to our bedroom. By this time, Abby had joined me and Faith by the corner of the couch and at the same time he announced that Faith's diaper was in the hallway, I noticed that Abby's hands were poopy.
Then Dustin said in a voice that never bodes well, "DON'T PUT YOUR FOOT DOWN!!" I now had my hands full of wipes, poopy hands and feet and looked at him like he was crazy. Bear in mind that this undoubtedly looked ridiculous because I was still laughing. "I mean it," he said. "There's a huge turd under your foot!" That set off the giggles again!
Abby kept pulling her hands and I finally got Dustin to take her from me. The second I let her go, she promptly rubbed her head. Yay. He grabbed her arms and rushed her to the bathtub. I followed a bit more slowly with Faith because no way was I carrying her and I needed to clean her foot off.
In the bathroom, my beloved husband was struggling to undress his youngest daughter and still avoid the poop. I alternated between hysterical laughter and my evil mommy voice. You know the one. That step past sanity when it sounds exactly like the demon from the Exorcist is coming out of your mouth and you feel exactly like your mother must have when she sounded like that.
All I could think was, Mom is going to love this. It'll make her day for a year.
Dustin abandoned the field, saying, "I do throw up, you do poop! I do throw up, you do poop!" Like I'll ever let him live THAT down!
And to top it all of, the moment I set Faith down in the tub, Abby rubbed her hands in her sister's hair. Because gross, ain't gross enough. If this is what girls are like, boys are gonna kill me!
My mother did, indeed, love it. She told their entire church that evening, according to my younger sister. Happy Mother's Day, ha! LOL
We ate lunch and settled in to watch Battle for Terra. It was pretty good. Dustin and I were on the couch and the girls were in their room. A recipe for peace if there ever was one.
Then Faith came to me and said,"Poopy".
"That's okay. You can be poopy in your room," I said, since the movie was nearly over. After a brief struggle, she disappeared into her room. Or so I thought.
Less than five minutes later, she came back out, holding her foot funny and fussing.
"Go be poopy in your room," I told her. She laid her foot on the ottoman by Dustin's leg. There was a noxious brown substance on the bottom that my superior mother's brain identified immediately and with a sinking heart. Unfortunately, so did her father.
"That's POOP," he said with dawning horror. Did I mention that poop is apparently his Kryptonite? "Oh my god, that's so gross! That's - she got it on me! Eww! Eww!" I had apparently grabbed her foot a second too late and she had managed to smear excrement on his pant leg. He jumped up and began tearing off his clothes, which, under other, more delicate, circumstances would have been enjoyable, but in this instance, it merely sent me off in a fit of giggles. Which seriously impair your ability to hold a poopy foot, FYI. Barely maintaining my grip, I asked him to get me the wipes from the table.
As he passed us, pantless and pressed against the opposite couch, he complied and headed down the hall to our bedroom. By this time, Abby had joined me and Faith by the corner of the couch and at the same time he announced that Faith's diaper was in the hallway, I noticed that Abby's hands were poopy.
Then Dustin said in a voice that never bodes well, "DON'T PUT YOUR FOOT DOWN!!" I now had my hands full of wipes, poopy hands and feet and looked at him like he was crazy. Bear in mind that this undoubtedly looked ridiculous because I was still laughing. "I mean it," he said. "There's a huge turd under your foot!" That set off the giggles again!
Abby kept pulling her hands and I finally got Dustin to take her from me. The second I let her go, she promptly rubbed her head. Yay. He grabbed her arms and rushed her to the bathtub. I followed a bit more slowly with Faith because no way was I carrying her and I needed to clean her foot off.
In the bathroom, my beloved husband was struggling to undress his youngest daughter and still avoid the poop. I alternated between hysterical laughter and my evil mommy voice. You know the one. That step past sanity when it sounds exactly like the demon from the Exorcist is coming out of your mouth and you feel exactly like your mother must have when she sounded like that.
All I could think was, Mom is going to love this. It'll make her day for a year.
Dustin abandoned the field, saying, "I do throw up, you do poop! I do throw up, you do poop!" Like I'll ever let him live THAT down!
And to top it all of, the moment I set Faith down in the tub, Abby rubbed her hands in her sister's hair. Because gross, ain't gross enough. If this is what girls are like, boys are gonna kill me!
My mother did, indeed, love it. She told their entire church that evening, according to my younger sister. Happy Mother's Day, ha! LOL
Friday, September 11, 2009
He Was Right
So the other day, Dustin and I were having a discussion (read: argument) and it came up that I doubt my ability to write. Well, he found this poem that I forgot I wrote and it really rocked me. I actually have to share it. Bear with me here, just this once.
My Daughter
Ageless now
Trapped forever
In photographs and memories
She grows daily
More precious every second
Every breath amazes me
I see her ever as she is
And as she was
From the second she moved in me
My life forever changed
No longer just us two
But now we are three
My daughter
God's gift to me
My purpose in this world
The greatest task
Is to make a difference to her.
Just had to type it out and share it with you.
My Daughter
Ageless now
Trapped forever
In photographs and memories
She grows daily
More precious every second
Every breath amazes me
I see her ever as she is
And as she was
From the second she moved in me
My life forever changed
No longer just us two
But now we are three
My daughter
God's gift to me
My purpose in this world
The greatest task
Is to make a difference to her.
Just had to type it out and share it with you.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
What's new?
School has started! It seems the end of summer comes sooner and sooner with each passing year. Before long, we will have done away with summer break entirely and our children will be the dour little scholars or the hideous little delinquents we truly wish they were! Wait, does that make any sense to you?
Anway, off of that soapbox and on to another: my girls! They are getting so big these days. Faith got weighed and measured on Friday and she is 23lbs+some that I failed to note or understand and she is 31 and a quarter inches tall. The Ab-ster was already at 15 and a half pounds at her last check-up and she was at 24 and a quarter inches in height. Faith has developed an attitude to go with her adorable personality and it flares up in the most interesting ways. Abby has begun rolling over quite efficiently and pushing up on her arms. Faith has written on herself with various pens about four times in the last week. Abigail isn't sitting up by herself quite yet, but she makes a good effort. Both girls adore each other and giggle and laugh together a lot. Faith says hi and kisses her sissy al the time and Abby will stare and smile like she understands everything. I love just watching them!
We are all awake, albeit in different roms at the moment, just waiting on Grandpa to get out of the bathroom, so we can take a bath. I will be so happy wen we are out of here!!
Anway, off of that soapbox and on to another: my girls! They are getting so big these days. Faith got weighed and measured on Friday and she is 23lbs+some that I failed to note or understand and she is 31 and a quarter inches tall. The Ab-ster was already at 15 and a half pounds at her last check-up and she was at 24 and a quarter inches in height. Faith has developed an attitude to go with her adorable personality and it flares up in the most interesting ways. Abby has begun rolling over quite efficiently and pushing up on her arms. Faith has written on herself with various pens about four times in the last week. Abigail isn't sitting up by herself quite yet, but she makes a good effort. Both girls adore each other and giggle and laugh together a lot. Faith says hi and kisses her sissy al the time and Abby will stare and smile like she understands everything. I love just watching them!
We are all awake, albeit in different roms at the moment, just waiting on Grandpa to get out of the bathroom, so we can take a bath. I will be so happy wen we are out of here!!
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